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A brand is about SO much more than your logo, colors, fonts, designs, social media posts.
Most entrepreneurs start with those basics, perhaps even doing it on their own – designing their own logo. At some point they may even bring on a VA to do some of the online posting for them (by the way, I don’t usually recommend this first … here’s why.)
Today, virtually every produce, service or company calls itself a brand. 30 years ago, a brand meant more – it was a product or service that customers FELT something about.
Branding has been demoted from resonance and appeal, to a “business identity project.”
At the same time, the quest to become more desired by consumers is more important than ever.
Yet most entrepreneurs get it wrong.
I also hear a lot of advice to just “find the problem” and if you do that it takes care of everything. That’s not branding. (And let’s face it, if it were really that easy, I’d be out of a job.)
A key component of your branding is your messaging. Not just what you say, but how you say it, when you say it, where you say it. It’s how you share what makes you different and how your company started and the journey you’ve had until now. And more. To evoke the proper feeling in your prospects and customers.
And then tying that into identifiable imagery that reflects that feeling.
When we work one-on-one with an entrepreneur to fine-tune their branding, there are a whole series of exercises that we take them through to focus their messaging, plus we often work through upgrading their visual presence such as a new logo and redesign of their website. At the end, they have a comprehensive branding book that contains graphic guidelines plus messaging strategies that is designed to help focus them and everyone in their organization.
That’s what this course is. We’re taking you through most of the same activities that we use with our clients. While you may not get quite the same level of results as if you were to work with a branding expert (let’s face it, there’s a reason why our brand consultations have a luxury pricetag attached), if you put in the work, you’re going to come away with messaging and visuals that provide such a strong imprint on your customers and prospects that you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make in your business.
This is one of the strategies that the big guys use … Fortune 500 companies pay 5- to 6-figures (yes, really) for branding experts to hone their message and visuals, because they understand how very important it is to help them stand out in a very crowded marketplace.