5 Tips for Collecting Brand Feedback from Customers – Branding 101 – 04

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to constantly seek feedback from your customers in order to improve your brand and better serve their needs. Don’t be afraid to ask your customers for feedback on your business as a way to hone and finetune your branding.

  • What do they like about your business?
  • What do they think could be improved?


Customer feedback can be invaluable in helping you to refine your branding strategy and create a more effective and compelling brand.

Here are five tips for asking for feedback from customers for branding purposes:

Be specific

Rather than simply asking for general feedback, try to be specific in your request. Ask specific questions about their experience with your brand and what they like or dislike about it. This will help you get more detailed and actionable feedback.

Make it easy

Make it as easy as possible for customers to give you feedback. This could mean providing them with a link to a feedback form on your website, or simply asking for their thoughts via email or social media. The easier you make it for customers to provide feedback, the more likely they are to do so.

Be timely

Timing is important when it comes to asking for feedback. Try to ask for feedback shortly after the customer has had a chance to interact with your brand, whether that’s after they’ve made a purchase or visited your website. This will ensure that the feedback you receive is fresh and relevant.

Offer incentives

People are more likely to give feedback if they know they’ll get something in return. Consider offering incentives such as discounts, free products, or other rewards for customers who provide feedback.

Keep in mind, some platforms – Google, Facebook, Yelp, have rules against offering incentives in exchange for a review; so do not confuse the two.  The feedback you are requesting for branding purposes are NOT online reviews — this is entirely for your internal use, for you to understand what your customers actually think about your brand versus you making assumptions.

Follow up

Once you’ve received feedback from customers, make sure to follow up with them. Thank them for their input and let them know what actions you plan to take as a result of their feedback. This will show them that you value their opinions and are taking their feedback seriously.

By following these tips, you can effectively ask for feedback from customers and use it to improve your brand. Remember, customer feedback is a valuable resource, so make sure to take the time to ask for it and use it to your advantage.

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